ahakss... semalam aku g MV... ngan 3 org cousins aku... TUJUAN->> jumpa kawan aku... huhuhu.. so kitorg kuar around 4.30pm.... ahaksss.. then sebelum g aku g caltex kt sunway tu... of course laaa sbb nk isi myk... so sementara tgu.. sepupu aku g byr.. ade lak sorg lelaki ni berenti keta kt depan keta aku... senyum² aku pon selamba balas je laa... foreigner.... gatal gak aku ni... cair siot tgk dia senyum... pastu da clear semua.. aku blah laa.... rupanya mamat tu ikut aku... aku lalu arrr LDP.. then turun kt federal... dia still ikut.. sepupu aku pon lambai².. gatal diorg ni... ahakss.... mamat tu follow sampai dekat amcorp tu.... then dia suh berenti tepi.. aku ngan selamba berenti je laaa.... dia bg name card dia.... ahakss... then mtk no aku.. aku bg je laaa.... gatal.... hussain nama dia.... n dia from iran...
aku pon teruskAn perjalanan ke MV... so da settle semua kitorg balik arrr.... c hussain ni call la aku... ajak g makan.. aku malas nk kuar.... sbb da malam... penat br balik... lgpon nnt auntie aku kate ape lak... aku ckp kt dia next time je laa...
so aku pon borak² la ngan dia... rupanya dia igt aku ni org arab gak... wakakakakak sbb dia kate muka aku cm muka org arab????? ye ke????? aku layan la... smp aku kata aku ngantuk.. br laaa dia nk letak fon... adehhh...
esoknye... dia ajak aku g bf... aku malas laaa nk kuar.. hehhe... pastu dia suh aku mms pic aku kt dia... aku kate fon aku xleh mms.... dia plak send pic dia..... org dia mmg cute... bg aku laa... tp skinny giler.. umo lak br 26.... ni pic dia.. kecik je size pic tu.. xtau arrr... so ape komen??? ahaksss...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
the guy~!!
to taiping with love~
erm.... aritu aku g taiping sbb adik aku bertunang kt sane... ahaksss... seronok gak laaa sbb dpt jalan².. so aku bertiga ngan adik² aku 1 keta... mak aku n adik bongsu aku n kawan mak aku 1 keta..... hampeh tul bwk diorg berdua ni.. sedap jek tido.. aku yg penat drive... ahakssss....
then sempat laaa kitorg singgah kuala kangsar.. igt nk cari kampung pisang... mane taw ade zombi² yg tercicir.. xjumpa lak.... yg jumpa... kg talang.... (kalo korg igt laa cite Man Laksa... kan ade 'temasya kg talang'nk gelak giler babas aku bile teringt.....ye arr wujud upenye kg tu... so kitorg melawat la ape² yg ade kt sane... termasuk la istana iskandariah...cantik tp gambar x brape nk nampak.. sbb beso sgt istana nye ( teman ni org melaka... mana ada istana² raja ni... tu gayat tu) then ade lg 1 yg bg aku mmg unik laaa.. mak aku ckp tu istana lama.. tp skrg da jd muzium.. hehehe.. tah... fail sejarah babe~!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
goodbye by secondhand serenade
It's a shame that it had to be this way
It's not enough to say I'm sorry
It's not enough to say I'm sorry
Maybe I'm to blame
Or maybe were the same
But either way I can't breathe
Either way I can't breathe
All I had to say is goodbye
Were better off this way
Were better off this way
I'm alive but I'm losing all my drive
Cause everything were been through
And everything about you
Seemed to be a lie
A guiltless twisted lie
It made me learn to hate you
Or hate myself for letting it pass by
All I had to say is goodbye
Were better off this way
Were better off this way
All I had to say is goodbye
Were better off this way
Were better off this way
And every, everything isn't only
What it seemed so hold these
Words that you never told me
Its time to say goodbye
Its time to say goodbye
Its time to say goodbye
Take my hand away
Spell it out
Tell me I was wrong
Tell me I was wrong
Take my hand away
Spell it out
Tell me I was wrong
Tell me I was wrong
Take my hand away
Spell it out
Tell me I was wrong
Tell me I was wrong
*dedicate to my EX~!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
bar code story~!!
pastu bila nk masuk tu... lalu la kt depan censor tu.. tetiba time mak aku lalu... censor tu bunyik... waduhhhh malu giler... org ghamai lak tu... xpe arrr... buat muka macho n poyo... ahaksss.... then sorg guard ni pon dtg... mak aku pon ckp la... aik.. sy x masuk lg pon da bunyikkk... ape kes??(ape kes tu aku tambah utk sedapkan ayat....) guard tu pon kate... sy tau akak lom masuk... tp kitorg kena check gak nk tau apsal laaa mende tu bunyik... perghhhh nk kuar2 1-1 mende lam handbag mak aku??? jenuh babe... adik aku kate stor bergerak tu... ahakss... maka adik aku pon g amik bakul.. utk letak barang mak aku.... da siap loading sumer..... try scan balik beg tu... x bunyi.... so sure brg2 lam bakul tu... tetiba aku nampak 1 bende,,,, aku ckp kt guard tu... bende tu kot... guard tu kate x mungkin... ni mesti ade wayar2 ke ape ke.... aku bengang trus aku scan sendiri... mmg betul ber bunyi... korg tau ape???? CREAM SAFI mak aku yg kt bontot dia tu ade bar code.... tergelak giler babas kitorg... trus teringat aku pade 1 kisah benar yg terjadi kt kawan aku....
dia pon penah alami kejadian yg same.... kt watson's.... ahakss... time masuk ok... tp nk jd cite time kuar tu... berbunyi lak menatang tu... trus arr kena check... check punya check sumer clear.... last² try scan kasut VINCCI dia.... rupanya bar code kt tapak kasut dia tu yg sebabkan menatang tu bunyik..... dia kate bapak malu babe time tu... mmg jadi bahan la... then sejak ari tu dia xnk masuk watson tu lg.... wakkaakakakaka... kalo aku pon mau segan giloss.....
Monday, October 20, 2008
it's all about politics......
Muhyiddin sedia beri penjelasan kepada Abdullah
KOTA KINABALU: Naib Presiden Umno, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, sedia memberi penjelasan kepada Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berhubung kenyataannya yang mempunyai kaitan dengan pemilihan Umno, Mac, depan.
“Ya, saya sedia memberi penjelasan dan tiada masalah berbuat demikian jika itu yang Perdana Menteri mahukan. Saya sentiasa profesional dalam tugas (sebagai Menteri). Saya buat kerja macam biasa, tiada masalah.
“Saya laksanakan apa yang patut sebagai menteri dan saya hadiri mesyuarat bersama Perdana Menteri, termasuk mesyuarat mingguan Kabinet. Semuanya berjalan macam biasa,” katanya.
Beliau ditemui pemberita selepas menghadiri majlis rumah terbuka Aidilfitri anjuran Kelab Penyokong Kerajaan Sabah di Magellan Sutera, di sini, semalam.
Sebelum ini, Muhyiddin yang juga Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri dilapor membuat kenyataan berhubung tempoh kempen pemilihan parti yang disifatkannya sebagai panjang.
Bagaimanapun, beliau menegaskan komennya hanya menyentuh soal jangka masa kempen dan tidak pernah mencadangkan supaya pemilihan parti dipercepatkan.
Diminta mengulas kritikan Perdana Menteri terhadapnya kelmarin, Muhyiddin enggan memberi komen.
“Saya tak nak perkara itu dan saya dinasihatkan supaya bersabar, maka tidak wajarlah saya beri ulasan yang boleh disalah tafsirkan.
"Rasanya elok setakat saya memaklumi (acknowlegde) kenyataan itu walaupun semalam saya sudah buat penjelasan," katanya.
Kelmarin, Abdullah antara lain melahirkan kekecewaannya terhadap Naib Presiden Umno itu yang dianggap tidak mengendahkan keputusan peralihan kuasa yang dipersetujui antara beliau dengan penggantinya, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Mac depan.
Muhyiddin tidak menolak kemungkinan kenyataannya itu tidak difahami banyak pihak, malah Najib sendiri turut bertanya mengenainya tiga hari lalu.
“Beliau baca mengenai apa yang saya kata menerusi akhbar dan beliau tanya. Saya kata orang tanya saya tempoh kempen empat bulan adakah terlalu panjang dan saya kata sudah tentu ia panjang, itu saja,” katanya. taken mase hari raya... mana aku?? tu yg bj putih.. sekerat je... huwaaaaaaaaaa~!!!
TAN SRI MUHYIDDIN YASSIN is actually my mom's brother.... to my uncle.. good luck... tp skrg cm dia slalu lak buat hal... aku rasa dia mmg ada x sekepala ngan PM... ahakss...
ahakss... smlm... aku xtau nk wat ape.... so... since aritu aku n mak aku da beli nozel... then da pinjam pan utk cupcake... hehehehe.. kitorg plan nk wat cupcakes..... wakaakakakak...
xde la cantik sgt pon... but cm syok lakk.. biasa la 1st time wat.. practise make perfect.. huhuhuhu~!!
hantaran kawenn....
some friends... tau kot mak aku ni... buat biz gubah² hantaran kawen.. ahaks... even utk aku yg nk kawen zaman bila pon xtau lg da siap... of course laaa yg paling special.. ahakkksss...
then ade la 1 family ni dtg nk suh gubah hantaran la... hantaran lelaki dr pihak pompuan... aku tgk barang² dia.. mmg laaa kata org jenama yg di kenali la.... tp yg biasa laaa cm POLO...jam plak SEIKO... siap ade camera... LUMIX.... tp tu aku x heran laa.. xkisah la mende pon nk bg.... tp yg x syok nye... ade ke dia leh cakap... harga² nnt jangan buang.... pamerkan kt hantaran tu... mesti nampak yek.... mak aku da terkejut beruk dah... ye arrr.. siap suh pamer2 harga... mana x nye... baju polo jek aku tgk kt tag dia dah RM129.90... aku rasa lepas tolak diskaun ade la dlm 40-50 hengget jek... jahat kan aku... kamera pon cm tu dah... puas la gak nk memikir cm ne nk tunjuk harga² tersebut....
org tu pon da amek barang dia..benda nya cantik tp aku cm menyampah dgn gelagat org tu... so aku slalu ckp gubahan tu paling buruk giler... lg 1 nk gubah guna item mahal2... tp kedekut... adehhhhh... kalo aku yg run biz tu.. sure lingkup dah.. xkuasa aku.... siib baik org ni da amik barang kalo x aku tunjuk kt cni.. bukan main senyum lg org tu tgk harga yg terpamer kt hantaran dia... tetiba aku rasa kesian lak kt bakal suami dia... wakaakakakakakaka cari lain la bang!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i'm back~!!
Ah, the first date -- you've been primping and plucking, and it's finally show time. After all that work you don't want to send them running for the hills because of something thoughtless you did at the table or in the car. Here are eight key guidelines on what to avoid...
"I Don't Valet" Sure, some people don't like to leave their cars in the hands of a valet. We get that. But if you've driven around the block more than three times and you're prepared to go an additional five until you find street parking (even if the spot is blocks away), quit while you're ahead. Avoiding the valet makes you look cheap and that's not a good look, especially on a first date.
Nix Your Ex Never go on about any of your exes. Obsessing over them makes you look insecure. And when's the last time someone found that attractive in a prospective mate? If you're still bruised over an ex or simply enjoy discussing old flames, spout off to a friend or family member -- anyone, but not that cutie who just asked you out for Friday night!
Texting... or answering your mobile phone for social purposes are big no-no's on a date. And please don't try to be sneaky or "polite" by attempting to text under the table. It's obnoxious. Ask yourself if you like the person you're with enough to leave your phone for a couple hours. If you still can't resist, go to the bathroom.
Don't Be Nosey No blowing your schnoz at the table. And you might think this goes without saying, but it doesn't: the same goes for picking your teeth. People do the most absent-minded and unattractive things on dates, so step it up a little bit. If you desperately need to take some hygienic action, simply excuse yourself and go to town some place else, just not at the table.
Play Nice Being rude to the wait staff is a major turn off. And please lay off of the snapping when you need your waiter's attention. It's always best to keep your cool -- nothing's more attractive than that.
Pass On The Pricey Stuff Ordering the 3 lb. lobster and filet dinner or the homemade pasta with a mound of freshly shaved white truffles is obnoxious no matter who's paying. Don't go for the gold. Show a little class by sticking with the moderately priced ticket items.
Booze It ‘Til You Lose It Just one drink too many and you may find yourself saying and doing things that make all of the above look like afternoon charm school. And even if you don't go crazy, you might do some over-sharing that you'll regret in the morning. So, never go overboard on alcohol -- it's a safety issue as well as an etiquette one.
Ditch The Dutch We may sound old-fashioned but when a guy asks a girl out, there's only one way to go on a first date when the bill arrives -- the guy pays. No matter how many times the woman offers to chip in, the answer is "thank you, but no." It's just the thing to do to make her feel special. And be clear. Wavering can be just as bad as accepting her money.